Monday 16 May 2011


Hot on the heels of Prof. Stephen Hawkings' remarks on the fairy-tale nature of heaven, it's about time we got rid of the monopoly on faith-led assemblies in our schools and either banned them altogether or introduced round-robin slots for all the major faiths & secular groups. A local council told me the other major faiths would not have folk to officiate, but I phoned around and quickly got representatives from each to express real interest in providing speakers etc. We should be exposing our children to the heritage of all faiths & secular ideas, not perpetuating indoctrination. So what are we waiting for? Search #ScotSchoolSense

Temporary image borrowed from without consent or affiliation of any sort.

Thursday 12 May 2011

#BuyScottish? What do you think?

Next time you're shopping for anything take a look at the alternatives open to you. There are many factors, but buying locally produced, distributed and/or serviced stuff should be a win-win voice in your head. You'll be surprised how almost everything is available with some Scottish element. To make it easier for everyone to know what's out there I'd like to kick off a wee Twitter hashtag #BuyScottish to use when you spot something that fits the bill. But what do you think? Let me know...

Image from but only 'cause I shopped around!